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Project Summary Status Priority Category Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Spamassassin Per user options Closed (fixed) Normal Task 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Undefined subroutine &virtual_server::valid_mailbox_name called at /opt/webmin/virtual-server/save_u Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Alias Creation Updating Webmin User Lag Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers PHP5 Upgrading and Statistics? Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers saslauthd fail Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Usermin Core Usermin Missing Password Change Script Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers when trying to create an ftp user, Virtualmin generates a Perl error Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Courier support Closed (fixed) Normal Task 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Internal Server Error with php on heavy traffic Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Internal Server Error with php on heavy traffic Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers user mail quota filling not deleting, how to stop Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Slave DNS for domians Closed (fixed) Normal Task 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Framed Theme TheJAX theme completion Closed (fixed) Normal Task 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Virtual server backup format lists "old" twice Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Email wont pipe even with module config allowing it Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers BIND zone template mangled Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Usermin Core Virtualmin - Usermin mobile module is missing Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers No cron-related function working on opensolaris Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Select all / Invert Selection broken in virtual server list Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Usermin Core Sent/Drafts/Trash Mail folder setting not honoured Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Webmin Core Webmin apache module can not delete vhosts Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers installation error Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers missing change password script Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Virtualmin license says it's on two systems even after refresh, but I only have it on one... Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Post install apache problems Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Sub domain creation got messed up Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers JAVA and filemanager Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Usermin Core Usermin Missing Password Change Script Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers FTP user Creation Error Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Adjusting disk space quotas per account Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Script install errors centos5 Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Usermin Core Make folder's name bold/italic/etc when there's new mail in it Closed (fixed) Normal Task 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Clamav update failed and server failed to load Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Secondary SSL site not accessable without "www." Prefix Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Usermin Core usermin-webmail doesnt display quota properly on freebsd Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Webmin Core Phantom Messages in Read User Mail Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Problem with how alias forms display autoreply text Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers "Minimum time between autoreplies" not working Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Hack attacks on reseller? Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Add a website FTP access user option unavailable on GPL Closed (fixed) Normal Task 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers columns need to be wider Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers FTP User UID/GID and Homedir Not Updated When Changing Virtual Server Ownership Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers apache crashes if php4-mysql is installed Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Moving Virtual-Server to New Owner Does Not Update SuExec UID/GID Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers How do I give a reseller account permissions to browse alle virtual servers owned by that reseller Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Webmin Core Refusing alternate SSH port (dyndns, etc)? Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Upgrade to Virtualmin Pro fails on Solaris Containers Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Cannot add Sub-Domains Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Issues with new ClamAV packages Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Fresh Debian 4.0 - Virtualmin Installation Hangs? Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 5 months 16 years 5 months


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