Sub domain creation got messed up

I've already posted this in the VM forum, but didn't get any replies. Scott Grayban personally told me that this might be a bug that has been introduced with on of the recent VM upgrades.

Something really got messed up with creating sub-servers in my VM Pro installation!

I haven't changed the server templates or anything else and the sub-server/sub-domain use the (modified) default server templates anyway, so I don't know why this behaves differently now than a couple of weeks ago.

I just created a new server and afterwards created the sub-domain which resulted in this file tree:

# tree -L 3
|-- awstats
|-- base
|-- cgi-bin
| |--
| |-- demo
| | |-- php4.cgi
| | `-- php5.cgi
| |-- lang -> /usr/share/awstats/lang/lang
| |-- lib -> /usr/share/awstats/lib/lib
| |-- php4.cgi
| |-- php5.cgi
| `-- plugins -> /usr/share/awstats/plugins/plugins
|-- domains
| `--
| |-- base
| |-- cgi-bin
| |-- domains
| |-- errors
| |-- etc
| |-- ftp
| |-- homes
| |-- htdocs
| |-- logs
| |-- perl
| |-- ssl
| `-- tmp
|-- etc
| |-- dav.digest.passwd
| |-- php.ini -> php4/php.ini
| |-- php4
| | `-- php.ini
| `-- php5
| `-- php.ini
|-- ftp
|-- homes
|-- htdocs
| |-- awstats-icon -> /usr/share/awstats/icon
| |-- demo
| |-- errors -> ../errors
| `-- icon -> /usr/share/awstats/icon
|-- logs
| |-- access_log
| `-- error_log
|-- mail
|-- perl
|-- ssl
`-- tmp

The first part of the sub domain's apache config looks like this:

DocumentRoot /var/www/virtual/
ErrorLog /var/www/virtual/
CustomLog /var/www/virtual/ combined
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/virtual/
DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php index.php4 index.php5

whereas the DocumentRoot should actually be /var/www/virtual/

Strangely enough, VM creates two different directories


The latter path then goes into the Apache configuration, although nothing like that is specified in the template:

ServerName ${DOM}
ServerAlias www.${DOM}
DocumentRoot ${HOME}/htdocs
ErrorLog ${HOME}/logs/error_log
CustomLog ${HOME}/logs/access_log combined
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ ${HOME}/cgi-bin/
DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php index.php4 index.php5

This has been working without any problems a couple of weeks ago.

P.S. The forum entry can be found here:

Closed (fixed)