Clamav update failed and server failed to load

CentOS 4.6
latest virtualmin pro
1) tried to update clamav but always failed.
2) I tried to uninstall clamav and reinstall
(when uninstalling clamav it removed virtualmin_base too)
Reinstalled clamav and virtualmin_base and the sistem suggested to recheck virtualmin configuration.
3) Checking virtualmin configuration failed cause clamav server not started.
4) from clamav server panel I configured and enabled Clamav server and the system told me I need to reboot (?)
5) rebooted and system hangs on loading and doing a diskcheck.
I have asked to install a KVM machine to the server but I am stucked ...
Last time Jamie told me there is a bug in booting with CentOS 4.x but I am not able to find what it was and if this is related with clamav package and rebooting.

Closed (fixed)