Virtualmin license says it's on two systems even after refresh, but I only have it on one...

My Virtualmin license status on the system info page is this, even after refreshing it (X's replacing real values):
Virtualmin serial number XXXXXXX Virtualmin license key XXXXXXXXXXX
Licensed domains XX Domains left XX
Licenced Virtualmin systems 1 Systems installed on 2
Re-check Virtualmin license.

I only have it installed on one system, unless I've been hacked and have someone else using my license on their, I "re-check virtualmin license" and get this:
Now re-checking your Virtualmin licence ..
.. licence is OK! It is valid for 50 Virtualmin domains, and for use on 1 systems.

I at least just wanted to let you know about this, and that I don't have it on 2 there someone else possibly using my license key somewhere?
Thanks for your time, sorry to request your help again so soon,

Closed (fixed)