Cannot add Sub-Domains

This might be one for you Jamie, as you ended up doing my installation. The root password is still as it was, If you need it re-emailed let me know.

I'm currently having issues adding sub-domains using the three methods below:

Method 1# - Adding a sub-domain from the http API
1) Run the following API call:

Method 2# - Adding a sub-domain as a top-level domain
1) Login as the root user.
2) Click on 'Create Virtual Server'.
3) Add a new 'Top Level' domain.

Method 3# - Adding a sub-domain as a sub-server
1) Login as a standard user with sub-server abilties.
2) Click on 'Create Virtual Server'.
3) Add a new 'Sub Server'.

I've read through the docs, and scrolled the many pages of settings. As far as I am aware, Virtualmin is configured correctly.

I believe my domain DNS settings are also correct, I have previously ran Virtualmin and CPanel on the same settings. I have ns1.myserver and ns2.myserver both with an (A) record to my IP address.

I also ran into another bug when adding Sub-Servers with PostgreSQL enabled.

Creating PostgreSQL database thisisatest ..
.. PostgreSQL database failed! : SQL create database thisisatest with owner="bluespaceservers" failed : user "............." does not exist at /usr/share/webmin/ line 980, line 1.

It has been about 6 months since I previously ran a working copy of Virtualmin, but as I recall sub-domains worked from the word go, without any extra configuration using all three of the above methods and thus I have submitted a bug report.

As a side note, coming back into the world of Virtualmin after a long break. I've noticed tonnes of new features, bug fixed and things I 'dreamed' about having suddenly appearing! Keep up the great, speedy work!

Closed (fixed)