Sent/Drafts/Trash Mail folder setting not honoured

Webmin version 1.390
Virtualmin version 3.49.gpl (GPL)
Usermin 1.310

I migrated from a Qmail/Courier configuration on a previous server to Postfix/Dovecot on the current server.

I retained the Qmail Maildir format for two reasons:

1) Avoided converting existing mail files for lots of domains
2) I prefer one-file-per-email in case of data corruption, accidental deletion, and ease of backup and manual intervention

The inherited Maildir has .Sent and .Drafts directories/folders.

Initially I allowed the default Usermin settings for Read Mail and discovered that sent mail was being stored in a single mbox file mail/sentmail, and drafts in mail/drafts.

I then discovered that IMAP4 clients couldn't see mail/sentmail but could see all the Maildir/* folders, so any emails sent via Usermin Read Mail->Compose couldn't be accessed.

I tried altering the Usermin Read Mail configuration, default user preferences:

Mailboxes directory under home directory: Maildir
Treat mailbox subdirectories as: Folders
Sent mail folder file: Sent
Drafts folder file: Drafts

But even after restarting Webmin the mail/* mbox locations appear to still be in use, and are still listed in the user's Read Mail folder list-boxes.

I also noticed that there is no way to set the Trash folder location, and it uses the mbox mail/trash, which again, IMAP4 clients can't see.

Someone asked a similar question about this in the forums in September 2007 but didn't get a reply:

Is there a way to achieve the aim of having *all* mail folders in Maildir?

If not, will this be fixed?

It's a pretty big problem when users have the option to use Usermin Read Mail, Webmail or an IMAP4 client if they Sent/Drafts aren't all stored in the same place.

Closed (fixed)