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Project Summary Status Priority Category Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Mailman - Mail returned to list starter Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Errors in migration of Plesk website backup Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Postfix: Incoming Mails disappear Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Problem installing wbm-virtual-server Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Updating wbm-virtual-server failed Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers "Add Apache user to Unix group for new servers? - No" Option not saved! Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Install errors Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Webmin Core SSH Key Setup does not create keyfiles anymore Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers SMTP Time out errors and clients are getting same emails 2-3 times as well as blank (empty Emails) Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Choosing directories with foreign or special characters Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers phpMyAdmin 2.11.4 Installer Bug Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers batch creation via Reseller account doesn't assign the created servers to the reseller Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Awstats broken after package update 6.7-1.el5.rf Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Apache server not started, Virtualmin stated running fine... Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Error msg: Re-starting slave DNS failed Invalid RPC login Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Extra Admins - no Webmin User being created Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers drive suddenly full...quota Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Postfix Problem after new Installation Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Bandwidth Monitoring throws error and does not execute Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Webmin Core BSD Firewall module throws Perl error Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Disk Quotas report diskspace used by MySQL DB only Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers FileManager crashes with Java Error Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Fedora 8 <sigh> PRIVATE Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Adding alias domain using CLI fails Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Add sub-domain DNS records to parent domain? doesn't work. Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers WinSCP - leave home directory Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Noisy Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Upgrading to webmin 1.401 makes virtualmin disappear (on Solaris) Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Installation failed after fresh Installation on an Debian 4.0 Etch-System Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers SpamAssasin and Procmail Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Joomla 1.5 is now at 1.51 Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Joomla 1.5-Install script link broken Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Allow conditional Spam handling based on score Closed (fixed) Normal Task 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Framed Theme Problems with Mobile Theme / Access Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers mysql query doesn't work Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers mysql query doesn't work Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers MySql Restore problem Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Webmin Core I did a boo-boo :( - fetchmail: SMTP connect to localhost failed Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Installation fails with new DEBIAN 4.0R3 and virtualmin GPL Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Unable to Switch to Server Admin Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers system crashed reinstall system and license fails Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Maildrop supports Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Webmin Core New Webmin causes installation post configuration to fail Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Usermin Core UnTrusted Referer warning after automatic mailbox refresh Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers client auth for sending emails (saslauthd) Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Usermin Core Email failed warning when "Do not save sent mail" selected Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers per-server spam filter settings Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Automatic installation of Virualmin Pro does not work properly Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Postfix queue delay issue Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Existing session not found! Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 16 years 4 months 16 years 4 months


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