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Project Summary Status Priority Category Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Apache2 errors: * porta and non-* ports Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 17 years 3 days 17 years 3 days
Virtualmin Virtual Servers CentOS 5 install postfix sasl bug Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 3 days 17 years 3 days
Virtualmin Virtual Servers awstats ownership problem Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 4 days 17 years 4 days
Virtualmin Virtual Servers installed Virtualmin Pro on CentOS...can't login to virtualmin Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 17 years 1 week 17 years 1 week
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Email for virtual domains Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 17 years 1 week 17 years 1 week
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Secondary MX record not added to DNS entries Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 17 years 1 week 17 years 1 week
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Backups without home directories Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 17 years 1 week 17 years 1 week
Virtualmin Virtual Servers horde install config Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 1 week 17 years 1 week
Webmin Core Help setting up RAID 1 on live box Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 17 years 1 week 17 years 1 week
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Massive procmail.cache.pag file in /var/webmin directory Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 1 week 17 years 1 week
Webmin Core Updating a DNS zone in Webmin fails to run rndc (zone) reload on webmin dns slaves. Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 1 week 17 years 1 week
Virtualmin Virtual Servers squirrelmail suddenly not working Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 1 week 17 years 1 week
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Horde install error Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 1 week 17 years 1 week
Webmin Core CentOS 5 Internal OS Code Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 1 week 17 years 1 week
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Unable to send email to AOL Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 2 weeks 17 years 2 weeks
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Will removing tzdata util-linux break virtualmin Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 2 weeks 17 years 2 weeks
Virtualmin Virtual Servers RFE: Batch create aliases Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 2 weeks 17 years 2 weeks
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Wordpress 2.2.1 Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 2 weeks 17 years 2 weeks
Webmin Core Backup to both local and remote system Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 2 weeks 17 years 2 weeks
Virtualmin Virtual Servers SVN passwords not getting updated Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 2 weeks 17 years 2 weeks
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Deleting virtual server didn't delete log rotations Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 2 weeks 17 years 2 weeks
Virtualmin Virtual Servers RFE: Active Spam Killer Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 2 weeks 17 years 2 weeks
Webmin Core Perl execution error Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 2 weeks 17 years 2 weeks
Virtualmin Virtual Servers The URL is not valid Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 2 weeks 17 years 2 weeks
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Pam auth failure for webmin and usermin Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 2 weeks 17 years 2 weeks
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Anyone can become root... whoever logs in then all user have the rights of that user Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 2 weeks 17 years 2 weeks
Virtualmin Virtual Servers New Template Settings Applied Incorrectly Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 2 weeks 17 years 2 weeks
Virtualmin Virtual Servers phpMyAdmin 2.10.2 Released Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 2 weeks 17 years 2 weeks
Webmin Core RFE: Authentication Lockout Controls Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 2 weeks 17 years 2 weeks
Virtualmin Virtual Servers User names are down-cased Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 2 weeks 17 years 2 weeks
Webmin Core Error messages when yum update with > Webmin > Others > Command Shell Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 3 weeks 17 years 3 weeks
Virtualmin Virtual Servers RFE: Calendar Scripts Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 3 weeks 17 years 3 weeks
Virtualmin Virtual Servers backup process hangs Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 3 weeks 17 years 3 weeks
Virtualmin Virtual Servers DNS Options link doesn't disappear under Server Configuration Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 3 weeks 17 years 3 weeks
Virtualmin Virtual Servers php4-cgi called in php5.fcgi Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 3 weeks 17 years 3 weeks
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Disallow assigning ownership of virtual servers to "root" or other admins Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 3 weeks 17 years 3 weeks
Virtualmin Virtual Servers 3.42 zeroes out fcgi wrapper scripts Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 3 weeks 17 years 3 weeks
Webmin Core Wrong network configuration in webmin/network module Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 3 weeks 17 years 3 weeks
Webmin Core MySQL module missing NDBCluster engine module. Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 3 weeks 17 years 3 weeks
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Fail to restore backup website Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 4 weeks 17 years 4 weeks
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Yum Update fails Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 1 month 17 years 1 month
Virtualmin Virtual Servers FreeBSD username limit is mungible Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 1 month 17 years 1 month
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Failed to create virtual server : No virtual domains file was found in your Postfix configuration! Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 1 month 17 years 1 month
Virtualmin Virtual Servers segfaults Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 1 month 17 years 1 month
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Per-user php.ini needs both a php4 version and a php5 version Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 1 month 17 years 1 month
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Fatal Error Occurred: Installation failed: 1 Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 1 month 17 years 1 month
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Updated php.ini not populated to php.ini of individual domain names after Zend installation Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 1 month 17 years 1 month
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Domain Owner can't manage email accounts Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 1 month 17 years 1 month
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Problem with Proftd on Debian Etch Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 1 month 17 years 1 month
Webmin Core SMART reflected as disabled when HDD has SMART and smartd loads OK at bootup Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 17 years 1 month 17 years 1 month


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