I've noticed some odd behaviour with mail delivery after i used webmins 'read mail' server to delete all mails from a users mailbox.
My setup: Fedora Core 9 Webmin Virtualmin Postfix Dovecot
I use Virtualmin to add new users to a virtual host, which creates two entries in users and groups (e.g. tj@example.com and tj-example.com). This will also setup the users e-mail address.
After sending some testmails to the users e-mail address, i decided to delete all the mails I sent to the users mailbox. After that mails are delivered to tj-example.com only and don't show up in the users mailbox tj@example.com. The user also can't see them in his mail client.
The mails are however delivered and can be seen at tj-example.com (/var/mail/tj-example), but that mailbox is not accessable by the user.
Is this correct behaviour? If so, can someone explain it too me.
Thanks, TJ.
Switch to Maildir format mail spools. Using @ int he username results in clunky behavior with old mbox style mail spools.
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But, I should mention this isn't actually correct behavior...but I'm not sure if we could make it behave correctly, even if we wanted to--@ in usernames is a hack to start with (and a bad idea, for a handful of reasons). But, because there is no reason to use mbox spools, I always just tell folks to use Maildir.
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Ok, thanks for the explanation. I just need to figure out how-to migrate the current mailboxes to maildirs. Does anyone have a guide for this?
I just moved all mailbox accounts to the maildir format. For a good how-to (the one I used) see:
Regards and thanks, TJ.
Sweet! Thanks for the update. The Rimu guys are awesome, aren't they? Great docs all over the place. I'm happy they're one of our providers. ;-)
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