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Hi I uploaded drupal 6.3 and drupal modules to my server. However I still see the apache2 test page. I tried uploading it to public_html. and /. Is there something I have to do to activate these chages? Or am I uploading to the wrong place?
nevermind the test page told me what to do. /var/www/html/.
<div class='quote'>nevermind the test page told me what to do. /var/www/html/.</div>
That's never where Virtualmin puts things. Are you sure you've got your box configured correctly?
Check the troubleshooting common problems sounds like you've got NameVirtualHost or VirtualHost problems:,web_service_troubleshooting/
Check out the forum guidelines!
nevermindthe nevermind that didn't work unless it takes a while.
No, it doesn't take a while. You've got a misconfiguration somewhere. ;-)
Apache might need to be told that index.php is a valid index page.
Check out the forum guidelines!
this may sound stupid, but you need to remove the existing index.html file. It has priority over the index.php file that your CMS is probably using.