My bad: I used one msg for three questions So, let me break them out now.
Of course you are right, mod_deflate is the correct choice.
I can just "order it" from ServePath Support, but I would like to cut my teeth on your advice and learn to do it imply that it is a supported module in VirtualMin. Where exactly does one to go turn it on? I don't see it as a checkable item under "Features and Plug-ins" and looking thru all WebMin panels (I wont' say i didn't miss it) I don't find any place to enable apache modules.
then, of course, I will I need to add
"AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/css text/javascript application/x-javascript application/x-httpd-php"
to httpd.conf for a server-wide implementation. which I presume I need to do "by hand" like I did on the old server.
Joe wrote:
"mod_deflate, on the other hand is a standard module, and easier to use (and more compatible, since it's been a standard a lot longer).
Basically, you'd just need to load the module, and enable it either site-wide or on a per-directory basis. If you want to make it a part of only some sub-directory on your system, you could add it to your Server Template(s) in the Apache website section.
Here's the docs for mod_deflate (which I'd probably recommend over mod_gzip, due to its existence in the standard Apache'll probably be more secure and more reliable):
<div class='quote'>I can just "order it" from ServePath Support, but I would like to cut my teeth on your advice and learn to do it imply that it is a supported module in VirtualMin. Where exactly does one to go turn it on? I don't see it as a checkable item under "Features and Plug-ins" and looking thru all WebMin panels (I wont' say i didn't miss it) I don't find any place to enable apache modules.</div>
Supported in the sense that it is included with the Apache package on pretty much all of our supported platforms.
<div class='quote'>to httpd.conf for a server-wide implementation. which I presume I need to do "by hand" like I did on the old server.</div>
Yes, modules are, currently, not really configurable in Webmin. There is an "Edit Config Files" page that puts the http.conf into a textarea field, but frankly, you'll enjoy using a real editor better.
We probably will add module management in the future--but it's a huge set of additional options, and each new module introduces new configuration directives and other goodies that we need to know about (we know about most of the core modules that everyone uses--like ssl and proxy and the authentication modules, but the less common stuff is not in the UI for now).
Check out the forum guidelines!
OK, done, edited httpd.conf from term with VI and added the deflate file type directive, stopped and started Apached from inside VirtualMin. We good on this one. Thanks
I am have the same issue where i can not get deflate mod working let me know if anyone have the success running on virtualmin
i receive this link from support but still no luck
Thanks Paul