Hello my name is Ryan,
I use ubuntu 18.04 and run virtualmin on it. I'am trying to make a test server for my colleagues so we can try and make a good magento 2 website.
I know how to install magento 2 and have no problems with installing it. The problem comes after i install magento 2 though. I think this problem has to do with virtualmin configurations or the way I'am trying to run it.
The problem arises after i try to access any of the other pages except the home page. All the links on the homepage dont work even the sign in and the create a account pages. The admin page doesn't work aswell. And if i try to edit the url the same error occures (404 not found). The requested url was not found on this server. If anybody knows how to fix this please let me know.
this is what my url looks like https://----------------/virtual-server/link.cgi/
Yours sincerely, Ryan
What if you try to access your site on a regular URL (i.e. not using Virtualmin's "Preview Website" function)?
Even if you can not make the actual domain name point to the test server, it is probably possible to install the site on a dummy URL. Something like http://yourserver.yourprovider.com
Thanks for your awnser nico94,
I've tried it but it doesnt work. I already got the site running locally without virtualmin but that kinda beats the point.
Yours sincerely, Ryan
No further ideas, sorry ... but it is unlikely a problem related to Virtualmin itself. If I were you, I would dive into the logs, Apache's config and the .htaccess file.