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I am running php-fpm What happens if i set FCGI sub processes to none? What happens if i set it to 20?
Does this only work with mod_php?
Probably nothing if you are using PHP-FPM. Easily testable and can be set back. ;)
I am using fpm. Does wordpress require FCGI sub processes when i am running FPM?
Nah, the StartServers, MinSpareServers, MaxSpareServers, MaxRequestWorkers directives do not apply.
For php-fpm with Virtualmin on a 4 GB 2 core server at, I use:
In /etc/php/7.0/fpm/pool.d/www.conf pm = static pm.max_children = 25 pm.max_requests = 4000
My TTFB is much reduced (for India) with pm = static; sure it consumes more RAM than pm = dynamic or pm = ondemand but the tradeoff is worth it as I am able to demonstrate to clients the supposed SEO benefits of a lower TTFB. The pm.max_children = 25 caps the max simultaneous connections to 25, a very conservative value which can be increased up to double its value, if required. The pm.max_requests = 4000 resets php-fpm threads after they have handled 4000 requests each so that any memory leaks are contained.
Go ahead and give hosted on a stress test, if you like...