You can throw a man a bag of cookies, .... but if you teach him how to bake...... etc ;-)
I'm new with Webmin/Virtualmin as my username suggests a convert from cpanel ;-)
So far I'm loving the Webmin / Interface -
I'm familiar with Centos and I've got my very 1st virtualmin GPL up and running, some initial questions - I'm sure more will come up.
1) I uninstalled fail2ban and installed CSF - great so far
2) Virtual server terminology does throw me.... especially when it talks about sending an email to the server administrator on new virtual server set up (does it mean the actual server admin or the virtual server admin !?)
3) Where can I configure the hostname to use SSL ? I had to create a virtual server for the hostname, so that I caould then configure the SSL and apply it to the rest of the services like webmin etc... I couldn't find any documentation on that!
4) Now I want to configure and set up Usermin - so that when a virtual server (domain) owner wants to log in, they can see the icons related to them - so where can I configure the usermin UI ?
Basically, I want to allow the user to do self-service with e.g. email, domains, dns, filemanager, backups etc - similar to that available in cpanel (user side)
I am assuming I will need to set up this access UI in virtualmin somewhere!?
I'm sure more will come up - but this for now
Thank you
3) in virtualmin: under server configuration, ssl certificate, documentation for starters:
4) if u're coming from cpanel environment, you might be a bit confused I believe here... virtualmin = cpanel, webmin would kind of a be whm, but not really. so if you want a user to setup their own email accounts, etc, u'll have to give them access to virtualmin. users are added in virtualmin and their access setup there what they can do. you can have more virtualmin server admins (you can add additonal ones) and you can set what users see when they login.
usermin functions are best described here:
Thanks @suskozaver
3) SSL for hostname and mail services login etc - what confused me is that in WHM you can add a SSL for the hostname itself, whereas I couldn't find anywhere to do that in Webmin. In the end I discovered you can add a "virtual server" (account) in Virtualmin that belongs to the server hostname and then apply an SSL to it - and then it gives the options to "copy to postfix" etc... so in other words, got that sorted now ;-)
RE point 4: this is what has got me flummoxed. So far I can live with all of the changes as a system administrator, but my customers are going to want a "cpanel-esque" login to be able to do things such as read webmail; create backups; administer phpmyadmin databases; etc...
If I get you correctly, you are saying Webmin = WHM and virtualmin = the end user cpanel - so I should look at configuing virtualmin for the endusers. OK will take a look more at that then - but how do I stop end user virtualmin user from seeing Webmin (or is that only visible on the hostname login ) ?
In cPanel's WHM admin section, that's where you add the user accounts (virtual servers) so that's indeed where I got confused here.
3) for Webmin: Webmin, Webmin Configuration, SSL Encryption
4) as i understand virtualmin access is for that, add users under virtualmin, Administration Options, Manage Extra Admins and set allowed access.
for WHM part, i said kind of, u can't match 1:1 here... or at least i can't.
If you want a panel close to cpanel for your users, go for interworx, or just make the best of how virtualmin is :-)
Thanks for your help.
RE 4) is there a way to customise (e.g. like the WHM Features Manager) what endusers have access to / in the control panel? I only really need them to have access to email, error logs, basic dns, file manger, php myadmin etc. I'd like to set up a kind of "template" that will apply to all newly created users - and also have - for example, Lets Encrypt SSL automatically added to any new virtual server.
Also -
5) it would be nice if I could "rebrand" virtualmin, with my own logo etc - as is possible in cPanel. Is that a possibility in Virtualmin ?
@TheRavenKing I'm trying to give virtualmin a good go.... of course I need to "sell it" to my clients too - that's a bit more difficult for those who are used to the GUI of cpanel. I like the idea of open source, so I'm going to keep going with virtualmin for a bit longer.
6) I would like to know if it's possible to remove the webmin component for end users ? When they login, they should only "see" the virtualmin control panel.
7) I am still rather unclear exactly what Usermin is for.... if Webmin is for server admin (e.g. WHM / root user) and Virtualmin is for end users (e.g. cPanel / users who want to manage their files etc) - then what is Usermin for ? Is it for multiple users under Virtualmin users ?
Sorry for newbie questions but appreciate your help :-)
Ahh - Have just discovered this - which is helpful : -),virtualmin_for_cpanel_users
I couldn't find an option for this, older version had this, according to search results via google.
But if you add additional Virtualmin admin for a specific server, you can set what the users sees and manages and the Webmin part is basically 2-3 menu items, info only. Looks like WHM a bit then, there's your server, click... Virtualmin part...
Thanks will investigate that! I also discovered the "Edit Server Template" under system settings - this looks more promising :-) it seems I can now set up new "virtual servers" more easily.
btw, i was thinking, if u want this for your clients and have whm + cpanel expirience, u need webmin part for the client also, as he needs to be able to set certain rights for his virtualmin (cpanel) accounts, like different quotas, etc... like in whm where you set "partitions"?
just thinking out loud / brainstorming, i could be way off...
7) I am still rather unclear exactly what Usermin is for.... if Webmin is for server admin (e.g. WHM / root user) and Virtualmin is for end users (e.g. cPanel / users who want to manage their files etc) - then what is Usermin for ? Is it for multiple users under Virtualmin users ?
why don't try to setup and login usermin on :20000 yourself as a normal user account.
So define different users : emaill and ftp , email only, ftp only and so on.
Play also with webmin virtualmin user and admins and their rights. ( yup not always what they see ( in menu's) if no rights for that, those things don't work)
My advice experience is you have to "play" with all three first before using it further and also do some tests, security and so on, then setup a live box and explain / docu for your whatever users!
Docu here virtualmin and wiki is not always upto date so important to have a look yourself and test before you give such docu to your users as kind of manual!
He if find myself that icon sh.t nonsens , you have to remember whatever icons from whatever apllication what they do , text is more explaining , for menu , login, exit and so i understand icons easy.
BUT Example whatever aplication for: "ftp user rights setting" why you have to learn wich icon if text is plain explaning such directly?
Oyes this topic is explaining a lot:
@CPconvert, Hi, I used for more than 16 years cPanel, and after their last price change I am more than ever looking for a replacement, I am using Virtualmin for a while, but it is still confusing where things are done, for my cPanel endusers it will be a nightmare.
Sorry, still very confusing, but yes all is done apart, it is not like cpanel all in one place as in WHM. I have to admit, with all split it is better to control and less prone to effect each other, but yes the templating system is needing a lot of attention and setting up your way But for most CP users it is way to confusing and to much on different places. Testing and testing, like said here, that is only way to find out, as documents and wiki are behind.
You can customise the menus in virtualmin by reassigning the naming convention for each menu item...translating might be another illustration of what I mean. This would enable you to simplify terminology to be more in line with cpanel naming conventions.
Also, you mentioned Usermin...normally it is used as a web browser based email client interface, however it can also be used to provide a very basic cpanel type interface for end users as well. Look into customising both Virtualmin and Usermin templates (I am ij bed on mobile so I can't go into the depth of how to do this right now but I will try to get time to do so tomorrow sometime)
Someone mentioned Interworx as an alternative control panel, might I suggest Centos-web Panel. It has a beautiful interface.
Another good one is Cyberpanel (developed by Litespeed web server company.
I have used the above as well as Ispconfig and Vestacp too.
To be honest with you, I run my critical client websites on Virtualmin for one simple in Jamie and his team. Of the open sourced panels I have used, Virtualmin is the best for stability, security, has the least amount of cockup with updates, and is the most feature rich of them all. Rarely have I had an update issue take out client websites with Virtualmin and that is why I trust it so much.
I guess with that massive list of features comes a lot of complexity...and people get frustrated by this. It also means that one must never "play around with it"! By far the best option with Virtualmin is to leave the default install alone...don't muck with it or you will be sorry for sure. "With great power comes great responsibility"
If you don't like Virtualmin, Centos Web Panel would be my next choice but a word of warning...stability after updates is not one of its strong points! (Oh, and it's file manager wouldn't know how to catalogue alphabetically anymore than pigs can fly!)
@adamjedgar, Hi, when you say used Cyberpanel, what reasons you have not to use it any more for production if I may ask?
Hi, I haven't had any spare time today, in bed again on mobile.
In answer to your question on Cyberpanel...the free version is next to useless for running any kind of shared hosting business and the alternative enterprise version is a complete rip off in pricing (cpanel is better for the price).
To be honest, the gpl version of virtualmin is by far the best hosting control panel on the really has no equal and this makes it an excellent choice for low budget startups (it is a shame about the complex interface).
If you don't mind more hands on, vestacp and ispconfig are both excellent panels although no where near as powerful as virtualmin.
In all honesty, if you are considering Cyberpanel, forget that and pay the few dollars and buy the pro version of Centos Web Panel...Its like $9 US for 3 months...not even 2 cups of coffee! Try it out for a while and see what you think.
Btw, anyone using directadmin?
On 15th of august they're releasing a LTE version, no pricing yet or more info... but it might be interesting.
Anyone has more info about the LTE maybe?
@admjedgar, Thank you, that saves me a lot of work to find out. :-) @suskozaver, Yes, I am trailing the DA, but cPanel migration still has some glips and sadly no Horde! No one knows the new pricing, be patient.
Kinda cross posting on here and also on the other thread (
This post about panel security may interest you (if you are not already aware of it and if you care to trust rack911 people...)
Meanwhile I'm keen to keep chugging along with web/virtualmin, but I think perhaps only for my personal sites and I may try DA for the commercial ones who need the cpanel look and feel. Also waiting for the 15th announcement ;-) although don't get your hopes up.....
Another question:
How can I set up virtualmin to always add an ssl from let's encrypt upon virtual server creation? I don't want to have to do it manually.... every domain should have ssl. Also how do I set up all new server to also have phpmyadmin ? - so is there a way to set and forget ?
I tried with plans and also with templates, but didn't seem to solve it.
Webmin 1.882 to 1.921 - Remote Command Execution (CVE-2019-15231) August 17, 2019
" it is not exploitable in a Webmin install with the default configuration"
Right OK - I solved the create SSL issues:
System Settings > virtualmin configuration > SSL Settings Request Let's Encrypt certificate at domain creation time? YES (was default to No)
Now how to automatically configure phpmyadmin at "domain creation time" - or maybe I am doing this wrong - basically - how can I allow all users access to phpmyadmin to login to their mysql databases easily once inside virtualmin ?
Why open another security door by installing phpmyadmin when users already have access to their DBs via the virtualmin interface? If its enabled that is. Database backups, viewing, searching, editing line by line can all be done from within virtualmin/usermin. I realize phmyadmin is whats familiar and may have more abilities, but for the basics outlined above there is no need for phpmyadmin. Sorry that doesnt answer your question but maybe the abilities you need are already there without phpmyadmin.
More newbie questions ;)
8) is anyone here using the paid version of webmin / virtualmin? If so, does the support team provide answers to "how to" questions - or is it more just for operational issues?
9) in WHM / CPanel - one of the features I do like is the cPanel Monitoring capability (scripts/srvmng#service-chkservd) I'm not sure if that is a native Apache function - or is it a cpanel script ? In other words - what kind of failure notification does Web/Virtualmin provide and most importantly will it attempt to automatically restart services if they fail?
I have paid virtualmin but never asked questions, BUT I'd assume support is for virtualmin related issues not 'hey, i messed up this config file can you fix it for me' type of thing.
Monitoring/notification/restarting processes for almost anything can be setup in webmin/other/system and server status.
Hey thanks for your help :-)
RE 9 > thanks - found the monitoring - but it's not clear if services automatically try to restart if there is some kind of failure (as happens in WHM )