Email Account Missing .spam folder

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#1 Mon, 07/08/2019 - 14:12

Email Account Missing .spam folder

So, had an existing domain on our server that did not have "Spam filtering enabled?" selected under Virtualmin -> Edit Virtual Server -> Enabled features. Selected the feature and then "Save Virtual Server" and now Spam Assassin should be running for the domain. However, when we access an existing email account, the .spam folder and subfolders are missing. Should these have been auto created?

Trying to clean out this guys messy email account. Thanks for any help.


Mon, 07/08/2019 - 14:17


So, created a new email account for the domain, "test". When SSH in and look at the /home/*****/homes/test/Maildir directory, there is a .spam folder.

So how do you get an existing email account, one that was already in the domain before spam filtering was enabled, to get the .spam folder? Is there some kind of clean up command?

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