I'm using bind9 with webmin to try and set up a dns secondary for our primary nameserver. I'm in what I assume should be a very simple situation but I'm not able to get the master to transfer zones to the slave. I've configured the master to have the slave in the Webmin Server Index and configured it as slave under Cluster Slave Servers, then configured allow transfers on the master with the ip of the slave. iptables -nL
shows ports 53 and 953 as open on both master and slave. netstat -lnpt
shows named listening to 53 (on master and slave), yet when I run test transferring the records to the slave I get:
Testing transfer of slave zone from ..
.. from : Failed : ;;
Connection to
for test.example.com failed: connection refused.
Configs for zone on master
zone "test.example.com" {
type master;
file "/var/lib/bind/test.example.com.hosts";
notify yes;
allow-transfer {;
Configs for zone on slave
zone "test.example.com" {
type slave;
masters {;
file "/var/lib/bind/test.example.com.hosts";
allow-transfer {;
allow-update {;
I know I'm missing something, but I can't seem to figure it out.
Thanks for any help
Turns out only port 53 for udp was open, not 53 tcp as well.