Howdy all,
Virtualmin virtual-server version 3.43 has been rolled out to all repositories. It comes with bugfixes, big new features, and a pony.
OK, there's not really a pony. But there is Ruby on Rails, which, according to its proponents is way better than a pony.
Here's the changes since 3.42:
[ul] [li]The Change Domain Name page can be used to modify the administrative username and home directory for a virtual server, without changing the domain name.[/li] [li]Updated the phpMyAdmin script installer to version 2.10.2, WordPress to 2.2.1, SMF to 1.1.3, DokuWiki to 2007-06-26, and Gallery to 2.2.2.[/li] [li]Added an option to the DNS section of server templates for specifying the hostname to use in the primary NS record for new DNS domains, rather than the system's hostname.[/li] [li]Added script installers for phpScheduleIt, PHP-Calendar and Plans, and created a new script category for calendars.[/li] [li]Added an option to the Edit Reseller page to force all virtual servers he creates to be under a specified parent domain. Also updated the, and scripts to edit and show this setting.[/li] [li]Added a page for creating multiple email aliases at once from a batch file, linked from the Mail Aliases list.[/li] [li]Updated the Batch Create Servers page to allow alias domains to be created, by specifying an extra field for the alias domain name.[/li] [li]Password changes to mail / FTP users from the Users and Groups modules now correctly update all the various passwords maintained by Virtualmin, such as MySQL and SVN - if the option to update in other modules is checked.[/li] [li]Added a script installer for Ruby on Rails. Unlike others, this does not setup a full working application - instead, it just installs the environment needed for developing Rails applications.[/li] [li]Added a script installer for Typo, which makes use of the Ruby on Rails framework but is a full blogging application.[/li] [li]Fixed a bug that can prevent per-domain PHP configurations from working when running PHP via CGI scripts.[/li] [li]Added the status of the Dovecot IMAP/POP3 server to the server status section of the right frame.[/li] [/ul]
To take advantage of the Ruby on Rails installer, you'll need to install the ruby and rubygems packages. You'll also want to install the ruby-gems Webmin module (RPM name wbm-ruby-gems or deb name webmin-ruby-gems), which is a cool interface for Ruby Gems, similar to the PHP Pear module and the Perl CPAN module. Ruby is now a first-class development platform on Virtualmin systems.
The Ruby on Rails Install Script installs a Mongrel on its own port for each instance, and proxies through via Apache, so it's totally hip to current best practices (if a little bit heavy-weight compared to PHP and the Perl CGI scripts that Virtualmin installs). Thus, if you're in a low-memory environment, you might opt not to make use of the Ruby on Rails applications.
Note for CentOS/RHEL 3 users: A recent Ruby version and rubygems has been a challenge to build for such an old platform, so they aren't yet in the repository. I expect they will be by early next week. Until those packages are available, you won't be able to do anything with the Ruby and Ruby On Rails support.
As always file a bug if something blows up, and ask questions in the forum if you have any.