Hi everyone. Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask my question.
Here's the background:
Here are my questions:
When I configure either Thunderbird or Outlook, I get pop-up warning about IMAP certificate issue which points that I have invalid SSL certificate. Interestingly, CA information is all about auto generated imap.example.com (it's not an example, it shows actual domain like this) certificate and has no information about Let's Encrypt CA at all. But when I go to Virtualmin > Server Configuration > SSL Certificate, it shows me Dovecot (host abc.net) and Dovecot (host abc.com) At the end, I get IMAP certificate issue for both abc.net and abc.com.
I've changed Virtualmin > Email settings > Mail Client Configuration > Enable mail client autoconfiguration? to "Yes". Since then, all emails sent from either abc.net and abc.com go to the Junk folder of receiver. Removed autoconfig.cgi to test if the issue started to occur after this or not, and I can confirm that everything is okay when I have no autoconfig.cgi. But I need autoconfig, because I will have more domains like abcd.com, abcde.com and etc. which will use mail.abc.net as IMAP/SMTP address and without an autoconfig file I must manually configurate everything for end-user.
I hope it's clear enough. Looking forward to see replies and appreciate any comment
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