Upgrade cloudmin to cloudmin PRO failed

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#1 Tue, 10/16/2018 - 10:35

Upgrade cloudmin to cloudmin PRO failed


I have a problem when i upgrade cloudmin to cloudmin pro

Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
E: Version '' for 'webmin-server-manager' was not found
.. done
Some errors occurred while upgrading your system to Cloudmin Pro. Please check the messages above for possible causes

And in commande line:

cloudmin add-licence --serial ******* --key **********
The specified serial number and key are not valid
Adds a valid existing Virtualmin license.
cloudmin add-licence --serial number
                     --key string
and I try this:
# cloudmin change-licence --serial **********--key **********
Command change-licence.pl was not found

Any idea ?

Wed, 10/17/2018 - 01:48


I found the solution, I haven't forget in sources.list this entry: deb http://cloudmin.virtualmin.com/kvm/debian binary/

Thanks !

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