Still having problems with virtualmin.

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#1 Tue, 04/03/2007 - 02:14

Still having problems with virtualmin.

Read the faq before you ask. Ok. I have read the faq. But still having problems with alot of spam.

I have aksed for howto check if spamassassin and clamd are running.


Are there a log file, where I can check the clam and spamassassin? And why can the clam not be upgraded from 0.88 to 0.90?

I miss monitoring tools for this server. A tool that tells if someting not running or should be upgraded.

Please tell me somethings.

It can not be true that QmailToaster are better!?!


Tue, 04/03/2007 - 02:35
Joe's picture

Howdy Peter,

SpamAssassin and ClamAV do not have to be running in order for them to be working...But you can check to be sure that your messages are being scanned by looking in the message headers. Spam Assassin adds a couple of headers that look like this:

X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.1.8 (2007-02-13) on
X-Spam-Status: No, score=-1.6 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_00,HTML_MESSAGE,
NO_REAL_NAME,NO_RELAYS autolearn=no version=3.1.8

If your messages have headers like this, they are being scanned by SpamAssassin.

You can check anti-virus functioning by sending yourself an email with the EICAR string in it. If it makes it to you, anti-virus isn't scanning.

Clam may or may not be upgradeable on your platform (you haven't mentioned your OS--it depends on what OS your running as to whether the clam packages come from us or from the OS vendor--we don't step on packages that are provided by your vendor except when we can't avoid it). I haven't built new ones lately, but will try to roll out 0.90 in the next 24 hours.

Going back to the "are they running" question, Virtualmin can use the daemon versions of Clam and SpamAssassin, but you lose the ability to configure filtering rules on a per-domain and per-user basis. This doesn't matter for clam, and I believe we'll be altering the default in the near future to always use clamd, but for SpamAssassin it can be a problem--SA isn't all that good in many circumstances (like with folks who predominantly get mail in other languages on a mail server that is predominantly English), so it's vital in those cases to be able to turn it off or select custom rules.

Whether QMailToaster is better, I don't know. I've never seen it. Postfix is certainly superior to QMail (QMail hasn't been maintained in's lagging on a half dozen extremely useful features, some of which can be patched in...but I don't want to trust mail to a bunch of third party patches or mostly unknown pedigree). But let us know what you like about it, and we'll make sure our mail implementation can match it.


Check out the forum guidelines!

Sun, 06/07/2009 - 07:02 (Reply to #2)

I don't get this lines i the header.

And it's a clean install of fc6 and virtualmin.
Spamassassin and clam are installed, but I can see in my inbox, that is't dosen't work.

Procmail are, as I can tell, configured.

But I get about 50 mail that isn't mark for spam before I get 1 real mail for me.

Postfix revieve a mail - then procmail get it. Running the script, and deliver to maildir. Right?

My procmail config look like this:
VIRTUALMIN=|/etc/webmin/virtual-server/ $LOGNAME
* ?/usr/bin/test "$VIRTUALMIN" != ""

But where are spamassassing and ClamAV called?

Please addvice.

Peter Vedstesen

I looking forward to move all my domains over to this new server. But it have to work first.

Sun, 06/07/2009 - 07:02 (Reply to #3)

I don't get this lines i the header.

And it's a clean install of fc6 and virtualmin.
Spamassassin and clam are installed, but I can see in my inbox, that is't dosen't work.

Procmail are, as I can tell, configured.

But I get about 50 mail that isn't mark for spam before I get 1 real mail for me.

Postfix revieve a mail - then procmail get it. Running the script, and deliver to maildir. Right?

My procmail config look like this:
VIRTUALMIN=|/etc/webmin/virtual-server/ $LOGNAME
* ?/usr/bin/test "$VIRTUALMIN" != ""

But where are spamassassing and ClamAV called?

Please addvice.

Peter Vedstesen

I looking forward to move all my domains over to this new server. But it have to work first.

Tue, 04/03/2007 - 03:03
Joe's picture

Ah...I just went to grab the latest ClamAV package from Fedora Extras to patch and rebuild and found that they're still on 0.88.7. So, I went to to find out why: Incompatible configuration file syntax between 0.88 and 0.90.

So, while there is an config file conversion script available, I'm leary to jump to 0.90 without some serious testing.

Are you volunteering to test the new packages, Peter? If so, let me know your OS and version, and I'll send over packages ASAP. (I'll be testing them on, too, so you won't be alone.) ;-)


Check out the forum guidelines!

Tue, 04/03/2007 - 03:09
Joe's picture

In the meantime, I will jump everyone getting Clam from our repos up to 0.88.7 instead of 0.88.6.


Check out the forum guidelines!

Tue, 04/03/2007 - 14:46
Joe's picture

Hey Peter,

<i>But where are spamassassing and ClamAV called?</i>

They should be called by this line:


Which contains the per-domain procmail rules (which is how the configuration can be specific per-domain).

So either the include rule isn't happening, or something is broken in the include rule.

Are you using @ in usernames? This exact behavior was seen in the previous Virtualmin version--but that's been fixed in 3.38. There might be something else wrong in some other circumstance.

I'd be happy to drop in and have a look, if you want to email over your server details to


Check out the forum guidelines!

Wed, 04/04/2007 - 13:57


i'll look for the file.


I'll think this file are the file for (because it was the only one in the folder, and I have only one domain on this server right now.)

| /etc/webmin/virtual-server/ /usr/bin/clamscan
| /usr/bin/spamassassin --siteconfigpath /etc/webmin/virtual-server/spam/117501785111785
* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes

I'll send you a mail.

Thanks Joe.

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