After posting, I found another post about website options: https://www.virtualmin.com/node/54570 This helped me to get the php-options to show up on a virtual server configuration (website options). My question is: How to limit the number of processes on Fastcgid execution mode?
I just set up my new server and after years of using Webmin, I started using Virtualmin with this one. And I must say: Fabulous, I am impressed. I used the installationscript on a fresh installation:
I het setup 15 Virtual Servers (all Wordpress websites) and have all setup to PHP version 7.0
Now my question: All websites are performing well and I decided to start a stress test with the 'ab'-command. The webserver was stressed and 'ps aux | fgrep 'php'' showed a lot of 'php-cgi' processes (about 15) all consuming a lot of memory. I want to limit the processes that are getting started. I searched on Google and this forum, but I cannot find the answer.
Were can I setup the correct configuration for this limitation. Should it be anywhere in the Virtual Hosts setting? Or should I look for settings in the server itself (via Webmin or commandline)?
My configuration: Operating system CentOS Linux 7.4.1708 Webmin version 1.870 Virtualmin version 6.02
I can choose the PHP version, but only between versions 7.0.1 and 5.4.16. I cannot choose version 5.4 ??? And I can only choose the execution mode globally? At System settings -> Server templates (default) -> PHP options. A cannot choose the execution mode for a single Virtual Server?
I would appreciate any help on this.
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