I've just uploaded the latest version of the Virtualmin module to the software repository for all operating systems. <p> This is a major upgrade with a lot of new features, script upgrades, bug fixes, and enhancements. Upgrading will be fun and exciting, but you don't have to do it if you don't want to. <p> It incorporates the following changes since 3.17 (3.18 was never released): <p> [list]
[]Added --user parameter to list-users.pl.[/]
[]When adding a virtual server with a website, a root-owned file is created in ~/logs to prevent deletion of that directory.[/]
[]Added an option to create destination directories to the single-domain backup page.[/]
[]Mailbox, alias, databases and domains limits are set from the template if not specified explicitly in create-domain.pl.[/]
[]If an extra administrator username does not match the prefix specified in the domain's template, the master administrator is now allowed to change it.[/]
[]Added a script installer for NMS, a FormMail replacement.[/]
[]Domain owners and resellers can now view actions they have taken in the Webmin Actions Log module (if enabled on the Module Config page).[/]
[]Extra administrators for a virtual server cannot change the server owner's password in the Change Passwords module. Made the bandwidth usage page visible to resellers (for their managed domains).[/]
[]Updated Squirrelmail installer to version 1.4.6, DokuWiki to to 2006-03-09, MediaWiki to 1.6.7, phpMyAdmin to 2.6.4-pl4, phpPgAdmin to 4.0.1, phpWiki to 1.2.10 and 1.3.12p2, TikiWiki to 1.9.4, WebCalendar to 1.0.4, and Joomla to 1.0.10.[/]
[]Added a field to the Edit Server page and an option to modify-domain.pl for changing the mailbox username prefix for servers that don't have any mailboxes yet.[/]
[]Non-standard ports for SCP and FTP backups can be specified by putting :port after the hostname on the backup form.[/]
[]Added options on the New Mailbox Email page to have the message sent to the domain owner and reseller as well.[/]
[]Optimized the writelogs.pl program to use less memory.[/]
[]Updated Squirrelmail installer to version 1.4.7.[/]
[]The licensed domains limit no longer includes alias domains.[/]
[]Added a script installed for DaDaBIK 3.2.[/]
[]Added a simpler form for setting up mail aliases which only forward to another address, deliver locally and/or send an auto-reply. The old form is still available though.[/]
[]Merged the code base with Virtualmin GPL (this should not have any effect on Virtualmin Pro features).[/]
[]Added checkboxes and a button to the reseller list page for deleting several at once.[/]
[]Fixed a bug that caused mail bandwidth usage to be counted more than once.[/]
<p> To upgrade on Red Hat based systems: <p> yum update wbm-virtual-server <p> On SUSE systems: <p> yast -i wbm-virtual-server <p> And on Mandriva systems: <p> urpmi wbm-virtual-server <p> Please let us know of any problems, by filing a bug in the bug tracker.