virtualmin modify-web --all-domains --letsencrypt-renew 2 does NOT work

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#1 Mon, 05/01/2017 - 16:47

virtualmin modify-web --all-domains --letsencrypt-renew 2 does NOT work

Hi Forum,
I installed a new server for my websites today. Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS and Virualmin GPL.
Everythink works so far... then I looked for renew of the SSL Let's entrypt cert.
I found a way to update new certs.
"virtualmin modify-web --all-domains --letsencrypt-renew 2" - here form the forum.
The output seems to be OK

Updating server wrt***.******-***.de ..
    Saving server details ..
    .. done

Then I checked the Cert SHA-1 fingerprint... it is still the same.
Also the times on the, ssl.cert and ssl.key files did not change.

What have I done wrong?