These forums are locked and archived, but all topics have been migrated to the new forum. You can search for this topic on the new forum: Search for What doesn't work if suexec docroot is _not_ set to /home on the new forum.
I'm currently looking at ignoring this setting in order to simplify yum package upgrading, etc.
I understand that users will not be able to run cgi-scripts from within their own web homes. This is not really a problem for me at the moment, since my users only use PHP anyway.
My question is whether this is the only limitation imposed by not including this setting, or if I might anticipate other things "breaking" as well.
Also: switching to a rebuilt rpm with --with-suexec-docroot=/home at a later stage if I see the need for it shouldn't be a problem, correct?
Hey Erik,
I believe you've got a handle one what doesn't work without SuExec setup for /home...but I might be wrong.
It won't give you a problem to switch later. You should allow Virtualmin to add the suexec directives, even though you won't be using them yet, just so they'll be there if you later decide to use it. Otherwise you'd have to manually add them once SuExec is working. Depending on the number of domains this could be a time-consuming process.
Check out the forum guidelines!
Alright - thanks!