I'm having a problem with setting up a mail aliases from 1 domain and having it go to an email on another domain (same server).
Main email: email@mydomain.com
Mail aliases: email@seconddomain.com
I do not get any emails in "email@mydomain.com" when it's sent to "email@seconddomain.com". I've searched the logs (/var/log/maillog) and it doesn't have anything in there saying what happened (it's like it doesn't even know about it).
If I had a mail alias "email2@mydomain.com" going to "email@mydomain.com" then I get the emails.
In usermin->postfix->virtual domains I see:
email@mydomain.com email-mydomain.com
email@seconddomain.com email@mydomain.com
email2@mydomain.com email@mydomain.com
I've set these up in virtualmin.
2 Virtual servers, "mydomain.com" and "seconddomain.com"
I've tried using "Edit Mail Aliases" in seconddomain.com to forward to email@mydomain.com and I've also tried going into "Edit Users" in mydomain.com and putting email@seconddomain.com in the "Additional email addresses" box.
Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong and how to fix it? I don't have any more information (can't find any logs saying what the issue is).
ok, I got a "Delivery Status Notification (Delay)" back a day later.
The error is "DNS Error: DNS server returned general failure". I don't understand why it would be a "DNS failure", if I create an actual mailbox (instead of an alias) on "seconddomain.com" and send a test email, I get it.
When creating the Virtual Server as an alias -- can you verify that the DNS feature for that alias is enabled?
If for some reason that weren't enabled, that could cause a DNS failure.
Virtualmin -> Edit Virtual Server -> DNS domain enabled? Yes
Is that the feature your referring to? Or is there somewhere in webmin to check?