I copied a domain from one server to another. Then on the target system I renamed the domain, username, password, etc. to make it a new server.
When I go to move the same server again from the source to target server, it says:
"Failed to update Virtualmin domains : The selected domains cannot be moved : The domain mydomain.co.uk already exists on the target system"
But as stated the domain on the target system has been changed, and the username. I cannot see a reference to the domain I want to copy anymore.
This is an issue because we have a "default" website we use to build websites on a development server. We then move it to a live server and change the domain name etc. but I cant move it as it says it exists but it doesn't.
It sounds as if that may be a bug, or at least that somehow, a remnant of the old domain is still present on your Cloudmin system.
My suggestion would be to open up a Support Request, as I think we'll need to get Jamie's help with that.