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I'm trying to add a new shared IP but to no avail. I went to Networking -> Network Configuration ->Network Interface and add the IP. The new IP comes up as 'Ethernet (Virtual)'. It looks fine but it doesn't come up in the selection box and when I try to type in the IP in 'Virtual with IP' box, the IP will be locked only for that new Virtual Server with 'IP (Private to this server)'. Help plsss ..
The saddest thing is that I successfully added a virtual shared IP before but now I dont remember how :(
You added it to the system, that's the first step... the other part is that you'll want to go into Addresses and Networking -> Shared IP Addresses, and list it there as a shared address. After doing that, it should then be available to other Virtual Servers to use.
thanksss that's what i missed!