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How would I go about changing the ports for webmin / usermin ?
I cannot access port 10000 on https from work it seems and would ideally like to change this (unless someone knows a workaround I can do to enable access even behind a workproxy?
After you log into Virtualmin, click on Webmin -> Webmin -> Webmin Configuration -> Ports and Addresses... you can change the Webmin/Virtualmin port there.
Usermin is almost the same -- just go into "Usermin Coniguration" rather than "Webmin Configuration".
That's.... assuming... I can login... :)
I'll wait till tonight I guess then. Was hoping to be able to change it via SSH and just restart apache or something.
Yeah, I mean, absolutely everything can be modified from SSH -- since all it's doing is modifying config files in /etc/.
What I don't know is all the parameters that are being updated for the ports :-)
So if you're able to do that when you get home, that's probably ideal. If you get stuck, let us know and we can try and figure it out :-)