virtualmin under construction page howing up instead of wordpress site

wordpress is installed but i get the virtualmin under contraction page. i can log into the backend of workdpress without an issue though.

Virtualmin version: 
Webmin version: 


This needs to be addressed quickly please as the client is going to have a tv spot on sunday and this jsut recently appeared. I have tried restoring ab change. I ahve tried deleting the account..recreating hte account only..being careful to NOT allow it to create a page during creation andc then instlaling change.

ok when i start over i get the forbidden page. as soon as i install wordpress from the instlal scripts area as soon at wordpress is done installing then the homepage is changed to the virt under construction page....weird. if i instlal wordpress 5.5.3 at namecheap it works fine in terms of hte initial hello world page. Only with virt does this oddity occur. this apparently only occurs on newly created accounts. None of my existing accounts have this problem..thank god.

jsut tried using a test domain and it did the same thing: Under Construction managed by Virtualmin - a powerful and flexible web hosting control panel

Got it. Virt had inserted index.html when the site was created..but i ahve virt told NOT dto do that.

Ilia's picture
Submitted by Ilia on Fri, 11/20/2020 - 06:59


Got it. Virt had inserted index.html when the site was created..but i ahve virt told NOT dto do that.

Have you create virtual server using CLI or UI?


oh btw i tried this on both my ubuntu servers..the other one run 16.04.

my apologies my primary webserver is 18.04 no 20.04 I have updated the ticket to reflect this.

Ilia's picture
Submitted by Ilia on Fri, 11/20/2020 - 08:35

Okay, I have given it a try on Virtualmin 6.13 with Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 20.04 and content page is not created if you specify no --content param when used from CLI or if you set Initial website content to No upon server creation.

Could that be that you have network misconfiguration and that newly created domain hits default virtual-server, which has public_html/index.html default Virtualmin page in-place?

Why do you always assume the problem is the user? The servers were working fine until the latest update. Try again.

Ilia's picture
Submitted by Ilia on Fri, 11/20/2020 - 11:40

Why do you always assume the problem is the user? The servers were working fine until the latest update.

Because I tried reproducing it and couldn't. What you're saying, is that after latest update, newly created virtual servers have default Virtualmin page written to document root, no matter what?

What is the folder's content of /home/ after creating a new virtual server?

What is the output of:

cat /etc/netplan/*
Status: Active » Closed (cannot reproduce)

probably not..but i know the workaround(delete the created index.html)..most likely in a subsequent release it will either escalate to where it takes other machines down..or it will magically get fixed.

The issue is happening because virtualmin is creating index.html inside /home/user/public_html/. If you delete the index.html it would show your wordpress website. This is happening with the latest version of Virtualmin. It was not happening before. BTW I'm running Centos Server.

Ilia's picture
Submitted by Ilia on Wed, 05/26/2021 - 12:23

This shouldn't be happening on new installations with latest Virtualmin, however, if you installed Virtualmin before we fixed an order for DirectoryIndex, you would need to manually edit it on System Settings ⇾ Server Templates: Edit Server Template / Website for domain page to change old defaults.