Hi there, I'm really new to installing VPS and I've read a few topics regarding this problem.
I'm running git cmd prompt and using CentOS7. I was installing Virtualmin until I noticed the cmd prompt wasn't moving so I hit enter and it decided to cancel the installation.
"▣□□ Phase 1 of 3: Setup /usr/sbin/setenforce: SELinux is disabled Updating yum Groups [ OK! ] Downloading virtualmin-release-latest.noarch.rpm [ OK! ] Installing virtualmin-release package [ OK! ]
▣▣□ Phase 2 of 3: Installation Downloading epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm [ OK! ] Installing EPEL release package [ OK! ] Installing yum-utils [ OK! ] Enabling extras repository [ OK! ] Installing scl-utils [ OK! ] Install Software Collections release package [ OK! ] Installing PHP7 [ OK! ] Marking 'Virtualmin LAMP Stack' for install [ OK! ] Marking 'Virtualmin Core' for install [ OK! ] Installing dependencies and system packages ./slib.sh: line 224: 27719 Segmentation fault env printf "${SPINNER_COLOR}${c}${SPINNER_NORMAL}" ./slib.sh: line 224: 27720 Segmentation fault tput rc ./slib.sh: line 224: 27721 Segmentation fault env sleep .2 ./slib.sh: line 206: 27723 Segmentation fault tput rc ./slib.sh: line 206: 27724 Segmentation fault tput cnorm [ OK! ] Installing Virtualmin and all related packages client_loop: send disconnect: Connection reset by peer "
Now I'm not sure if I should delete and reinstall or just continue installing. If I try to reinstall it gives out a message saying:
"Virtualmin may already be installed. This can happen if an installation failed, and can be ignored in that case."
And if I try to uninstall it tells me: "This operation is very destructive. It removes nearly all of the packages installed by the Virtualmin installer. Never run this on a production system."
But idk if im running on a production system or not or whether I should uninstall it?
Hmm, the error you received during the installation is concerning -- you may be bumping into resource issues or hardware problems.
Are you currently using your server for anything though? Does it have any live sites or active email accounts?
If not, it's no problem to uninstall or re-run the installer.
If you get a similar "Segmentation fault" error next time you run that, I'd be curious what output you receive when running the command "dmesg | tail -30".
No it's a completely fresh account I just bought a few days ago and have nothing on it. I will try uninstalling and running it again. Yeah idk why it gives me errors as well kinda freaking me out.
Ok so I uninstalled it and reinstall it and everything seems to be okay until the later stages:
[12/23] Configuring Quotas The filesystem / could not be remounted with quotas enabled. You may need to reboot your system, and/or enable quotas in the Disk Quotas module. [ ⚠ ] [13/23] Configuring SASL [ ✔ ] [14/23] Configuring Shells [ ✔ ] [15/23] Configuring SpamAssassin [ ✔ ] [16/23] Configuring Status [ ✔ ] [17/23] Configuring Upgrade [ ✔ ] [18/23] Configuring Usermin [ ✔ ] [19/23] Configuring Webalizer [ ✔ ] [20/23] Configuring Webmin [ ✔ ] [21/23] Configuring Fail2banFirewalld [ ✔ ] [22/23] Configuring Postfix [ ✔ ] [23/23] Configuring Virtualmin [ ✔ ] ▣▣▣ Cleaning up
Device "link" does not exist. [WARNING] Unable to determine IP address of primary interface. Please enter the name of your primary network interface:
idk what to do here
ok so this is how I fixed this problem I hope this gets added into a dictionary or glossary or knowledgebase for newbies.
I first type ip ro ls and it will come out something like:
default via xx.x.x.x.x. dev eth0 onlink
for mine it was venet0 instead of eth0 so I used venet0 as the primary IP address of interface and typed it in.
Next, gitbash(the terminal I use) says installation successful however, I cannot get inside https://xx.xx.xx.xx:10000 because I get ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT and I start to panic again.
So this is because firewall is blocking the port and IP I think so what you do next is input the following:
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=10000/tcp --permanent
then reload with
firewall-cmd --reload
And now you can access virtualmin control panel. All the best!