Installing php soap from Webmin>system>Software Packages> SEARCH APT...

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#1 Thu, 05/03/2018 - 20:24

Installing php soap from Webmin>system>Software Packages> SEARCH APT...

Just wondering, I am wanting to install php soap...apparently Woocommerce needs the soap client class enabled. Is this achieved by just installing soap?

  1. Can i install this using Webmin>system>software packages?
  2. I note there is a default version as well as a few others in apt. which one should i go for? (i currently run a number of php versions)
  3. Is this the right way to go about installing soap on virtualmin?

kind regards, Adam

Tue, 02/19/2019 - 19:38

Yes you can enter "php-soap" in the Yum install field

Wed, 02/20/2019 - 09:51

If you need SOAP for PHP 7, see also for finding the right package to install,

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