1) I am just really struggling to setup the webmail to use https://webmail.domain.com with roundcube
2) How do I install roundcube if I am not using a virtual server?
- I have tried manually installing roundcube via download and attempting to get it working in the directory the webmail is pointing to, but that is not working.
This is what I am trying to do:
- send all mail from mail.domain.com = "mail".domain.com NOT mail-1.domain.com (the actual hostname)
- use CENTRAL WEBMAIL (roundcube) on https://webmail.domain.com
- NOT :20000 and NOT /roundcube
This is what I have:
- domain (QDN) = domain.com
- DNS points both mail-1 and mail to same host
- hostname = mail-1.domain.com
- /etc/hostname = mail-1
- /etc/hosts = mail-1.domain.com mail-1 localhost
I have configured Webmin Configuration to get SSL Cert via Let's encrypt for mail.domain.com
- this is working for https://mail.domain.com (using virtual server)
- so I access webmin/vmin admin interface on https://mail.domain.com:12345
- I have copied the certs to postfix and dovecot and they are working fine too
I will eventually add additional domains for email, but they should all
- 1) send mail through the mail.domain.com mail server
- 2) use roundcube on https://webmail.domain.com
Having played with iredmail before you can actually setup a mail domain using the same QDN as the host sits on (host (FQDN) = mail-1.domain.com / QDN = domain.com). On VirtualMin if you try setup a virtual server using the DQN (domain.com) on a host that is using mail-1.domain.com it causes all sorts of problems.
Any assistance please? Or tell me what I am doing wrong. :(
Dont understand too much what you want...you are using Virtualmin or just Webmin? Did you have a virtualserver for your domain.tld? And want to create that subdomain (without creating another virtualserver) to get roundcube running on it? You are using apache or nginx?
I guess I wasn't very precise here. So I have: ubuntu 18.04.1 & virtualmin from shell install.
HOST = mail-1.domain-1.com
- https://webmail.domain-1.com = roundcube
- smtp for all domains from mail-1.domain-1.com using LetsEncrypt (LE) cert
Then I will configure
- virtual-server = domain-2.com
- user@domain-2.com
- point users for pop3/imap/smtp > mail-1.domain-1.com - using LE cert
- point users for webmail > https://webmail.domain-1.com = roundcube
Just can't get the roundcube working. Basically trying to install webmail at the root of the host domain with roundcube working.
I have this setup here and working normally.
What you use for web access? apache or nginx? can you provide your configs to that?
Hi, I use Apache. What configs do you require? I have destroyed my system so many times in the last 3 days now I am starting from scratch again. Let me get the host running and I will share what you need.
I don't known how to add that on Apache, just on Nginx.
What is do is that:
server {
listen 80;
server_name webmail.domain.io;
return 301 https://webmail.domain.io$request_uri;
server {
listen 443 ssl http2;
server_name webmail.domain.io;
root /home/domain/webmail/public_html;
ssl_certificate /home/domain/ssl.cert;
ssl_certificate_key /home/domain/ssl.key;
# Logs
access_log off;
error_log /home/domain/webmail/logs/webmail_error_log;
# Protection
location ~ "^/(?!installer|\.well-known\/|[a-zA-Z0-9]{16})(\.?[^\.]+)$" {
deny all;
location ~ ^/?(\.git|\.tx|SQL|bin|config|logs|temp|tests|program\/(include|lib|localization|steps)) {
deny all;
location ~ ^/vendor\/bin\/.* {
deny all;
location ~ /?(README\.md|composer\.json-dist|composer\.json|package\.xml|jsdeps.json|Dockerfile)$ {
deny all;
location = /favicon.ico {
root /home/codebr/webmail/public_html/skins/larry/images;
# Block Robots
add_header X-Robots-Tag "noindex, nofollow, nosnippet, noarchive";
location = /robots.txt {
add_header Content-Type text/plain;
return 200 "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /\n";
# CodeBR.io
include /etc/marcelorp/nginx/default.conf;
include /etc/marcelorp/nginx/cache.conf;
location ~ \.php$ {
include /etc/marcelorp/nginx/fastcgi.conf;
fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php-fpm/webmail.sock;
So now I have the subdomain pointed to my IPv4 and my Nginx configuration receiving that and pointing to webmail folder, and in my clients I just redirect all the webmail.clientdomain.tld to my webmail.domain.tld.
In Apache should be the same logic, I prefer Nginx...its more simple and fast.
Thanks marcelorp! Your config helped me solve my issue. Still using Apache. But this is what I have been doing wrong ... I haev been using webmin to try and manage the certs for the host system ... absolute nightmare!!!!!
So, I create a virtual server, and set up the certs in the there for : domain.com; hostname.domain.com; mail.domain.com, webmail.domain.com. I have applied those to webmin, usermin, dovecot, postfix, proftpd.
I have installed roundcube in the root of the virtual-server domain.com.
I have also hashed out the directives in both the 80 and 443 domain.com virtual server files
#RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} =webmail.domain.com
#RewriteRule ^(.) https://domain.com:20000/ [R]
#RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} =webmail.domain.com
#RewriteRule ^(.) https://domain.com/ [R]
I have also set the server template for apache to point the webmail to https://webmail.domain.com
OMG ... so relieved, finally working.
Good to hear that. I want PhpMyadmin and webmail as centralized so that users dont need to install from scripts for each account. Can you guide me with step by step instructions as i am not very familiar with the virtualmin.
Note: A video tutorial will help many starters as this is a very common question among virtualmin users.
Im glady I can help you figure out what was the problem...about the certs...I do the same thing...its more easier and no errors here.
@Nunnsby, when you said...
So, I create a virtual server, and set up the certs in the there for :
domain.com; hostname.domain.com; mail.domain.com, webmail.domain.com.
I have applied those to webmin, usermin, dovecot, postfix, proftpd.
... did you create subdomains and end up with 4 certs total for the "domain.com" domain... and which of the 4 did you apple to "webmin, usermin, dovecot, postfix, proftpd" ???
@jimdunn, Using LE (let's Encrypt) you should get a single cert for all 4. Single domain name, with 3 sub domains included.
Then, when you do it first time and it completes, you "should" get the option to apply that cert with all 4 names included to webmin/usermin/etc. I say should as I think that is where it happened.
You may have to do the redirect for the webmail first as it may not work straight out of the box, until I had the webmail point to the root.