Add Prestashop installer script

I would you like to request adding Prestashop as a new installer script. This request has been asked since 2012 and some other users have also asked for it.

Closed (duplicate)


Howdy -- this appears to be a duplicate of an existing request:

We unfortunately haven't been able to create this yet, though it's still on our todo list. If you have any additional questions though, feel free to follow up on the existing support request. Thanks!

I need it too i think this must be done as soon as possible... nowadays it's an standart of eccomerce... i don't know why they are whaiting soo long... I need it right now...

If you need it urgently, it is always possible to install manually using the instructions on the Prestashop website.

As you can understand it's needed to automate the process i can install manually as i did it a lot of times... the situation it's shocking to have a lot of installers but the one most usefull in ecommerce... it's there any basic script to create my own autoinstaller for this or for other app i want to automate decompressing... execute sql install script... etc ?

If you have some coding experience, you can use any of the existing install scripts as a template for a new one.

You can see the existing GPL scripts in /usr/share/webmin/virtual-server/scripts, and the Pro scripts in /usr/share/webmin/virtual-server/pro/scripts.

Hi... i will do it this way ... but this paths are not working...

If you're using CentOS, you can substitute "libexec" in place of "share" in the path.

ok thanks, that was the problem i am using centos