External Address not being updated

My external IP changed and now Virtualmin (5.0.3) does not see the new external IP when I run "Check Configuration". So I went into System Settings -> Virtualmin Configuration : Default IP address for DNS records and set it manually. It still did not update the DNS zone records for each domain. Also, Server Configuration -> Change IP Adress : External IP address is still showing the old address. As a note, /etc/hosts has the new external ip associated with the server fqdn and hostname. This happens regardless of whether hosts has the old or new address.

Any ideas? Have I done something wrong or missed something?




Howdy -- just to verify, is your server running on an internal IP address? And then there is an external IP that goes to a router, that is setup to forward traffic to your server?

Yes, that is exactly the configuration. My old router died last night, and when I replaced it I was given a new external IP.

Okay, I think this is how you can do this (I'd normally say let's wait for Jamie so we can make sure we're doing this right, but it sounds like you're in a hurry, and he's traveling at the moment).

What I would do, is go into Addresses and Networking -> Change IP Addresses.

There, set "Address type to change" to "External address used in DNS records".

Then, put your old IP address in the "IPv4 address of servers to update" field.

And lastly, your new IP address in the "New IPv4 address" field.

Once you do all that, it should just be a matter of hitting "Change Now".

Thanks, Eric. That was exactly what I was missing. It looks like everything is up to date again! Now I just have to wait for propogation...

This can be closed now.

Great, I'm glad that worked, thanks for letting us know!

I am having troubles getting to my sites, so I checked and virtualmin was reporting the right IP's, but Bind still had the old IP address in named.conf.local: zone "super.org" { type master; file "/var/lib/bind/super.org.hosts"; allow-transfer {; localnets;; }; }; 200.127 is the old address. I am going to manually change them, but I must have missed something...

Hmm, was that just in the allow-transfer section? Were the DNS records themselves updated?

Yes, that was just in the allow transfer section. I did know if that was important or not, but erred on the side of caution. All the other records were updated properly. I think I am just waiting for my ISP to update it dns so I can access my sites again. Unless I use a google dns server.