Are you using Drpal CMS

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#1 Fri, 03/16/2012 - 11:07

Are you using Drpal CMS

Hello Are you using Drupal here in this website?

Fri, 03/16/2012 - 11:39

The site on is indeed using Drupal.


Fri, 03/16/2012 - 12:34

Was it a hard task to do it? Is it possible to share your experience with us as I am planning to use Drupal as well.

Fri, 03/16/2012 - 14:07


Well, one of the features of Virtualmin Pro is the opportunity to install apps such as Drupal using the one-click "Install Scripts".

So to get it up and running, we just clicked the Drupal install script, and then Joe went in and installed the extensions he was interested in.


Fri, 03/16/2012 - 14:16
ronald's picture

In addition, if you have no experience programming you will find that Drupal has a bit of a learning curve. It is a pretty good system though (Belgium made).
If you want to go wild then have a look at Typo 3, it is more difficult to learn but like most German software it is very well developed and can lead you to great things. When you want to keep things simple then Joomla is a good choice or Wordpress

Fri, 03/16/2012 - 14:38

Yes Ronald, this is the result I've found after searching a lot for which CMS to be used. TYPO3 is # 1 but you should learn how things sorted out first and really takes a lot of time. Then Drupal but still steep learning curve and at the bottom Joomla and word press which is not good. But I am new to linux and no programing experience at all, so I think Drupal is ok to go for, but I honestly wish to go for Typo3.

But how did you secured the Drupal?

Fri, 03/16/2012 - 15:29

But how did you secured the Drupal

Well, most software isn't insecure by default. In most cases, there aren't things you need to change in order to make it secure.

Most security issues we see are due to folks running older versions of software that contain security vulnerabilities.

The way to prevent that is simply to keep software up to date.

I think that's the best advice I can offer though... if you install software on your server, make sure you keep all of it up to date.


Fri, 03/16/2012 - 15:30 (Reply to #7)

Thanks Eric!

Fri, 03/16/2012 - 20:51

Typo 3 is extremely complex for a beginner actually. It's more aimed at professional web site designers.

Another suggestion for CMS would be "Contao" (formerly known as Typo Light).

Sat, 03/17/2012 - 10:10 (Reply to #9)

And if you are comparing Contao vs Drupal!? Which one you would recommend for a newbie?

Sat, 03/17/2012 - 11:14 (Reply to #10)

Sorry, can't compare those cause I haven't used Drupal yet. :) But I know Joomla, and Contao is about halfway between Joomla and Typo 3 in complexity.

Sat, 03/17/2012 - 11:34 (Reply to #11)

Have you used Contao? If so what is your experience with it?

Sat, 03/17/2012 - 12:01

Yes I have. Can you elaborate "experience"?

Sat, 03/17/2012 - 12:03

I mean your review or your opinion, and if you are about to go through it once again from the beginning will you do it or you will choose another thing?

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