mod_wsgi compilation... where is apxs2?

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#1 Wed, 01/21/2009 - 00:16

mod_wsgi compilation... where is apxs2?

I'm trying to setup mod_wsgi for use with Django and Python 2.6. I've installed python 2.6 using makealt install. Now I need to setup mod_wsgi. But how do I do that with Virtualmin? Where is Virtualmin's apache build tools?

I'm using VM Pro on EC2.<br><br>Post edited by: lightwisters, at: 2009/01/21 00:19

Wed, 01/21/2009 - 00:57
Joe's picture

apxs (it's not named apxs2 on CentOS, BTW--it's just plain ol' apxs, as it would be on a stock from-source Apache install; I guess you're accustomed to Debian?) is in the httpd-devel package on CentOS and the apache2-dev package on Debian.

This is just like the system-stock Apache packages--the <i>only</i> difference in the Virtualmin Apache package from the OS stock package is suexec is built with docroot set to /home. So, if you just assume that behavior on your Virtualmin system is just like it would be on a stock OS install, then you're almost always going to be right...this means that documentation for your OS is also often useful.


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