Apparently Bind9 is not running

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#1 Sat, 03/01/2008 - 08:07

Apparently Bind9 is not running


I have installed Webmin 1.4 and Virtualmin 3.53 GPL, however when I go to Virtualmin Servers GPL it says that Bind9 is not running, when in fact, Bind9 is very much alive and kicking.

What could be causing this? It's quite annoying since when I make a new virtual server - I am having to manually restart bind.


Alex Cartwright

Sun, 03/02/2008 - 01:08

Fixed =) For people who have the same problem:

I was running Bind9 chrooted, and was unaware I had to configure the Bind module to reflect this configuration. What I had to do was as follows:

Go to Servers->Bind DNS Server and follow the link labelled 'Module Config'. From there you need to change:

Chroot directory to run BIND under => /var/lib/named/ (if that is where yours is)
Is named.conf under chroot directory? => No
Command to start BIND => /etc/init.d/bind9 start
Command to stop BIND => /etc/init.d/bind9 stop

Hit 'Save' and it's all done =)

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