x86 Debian, etc Support!?

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#1 Fri, 12/15/2006 - 06:28

x86 Debian, etc Support!?


I can see numerous (i.e. a lot) of references to x86 support for Debian/Etc being ready 'by tonight', one going back to Oct:

". . . x86_64 arch packages are building now and will be available in the next day or so, which will also be announced on the news sections of the site".

I paid before I realised that my VPS would require amd64 to run. I was wondering if this actually can be provided now, as myself, and im sure many others are eagerly (read: anxiously) holding out for it.

Thanks in advance,


Fri, 12/15/2006 - 06:29

oops, must be getting late . .. ;P

Fri, 12/15/2006 - 13:06
Joe's picture

Hey Morgan,

The packages are in the repository, but everything is untested at the moment. Today is the day when it goes live, but I need to spend a bit more time with it before calling it supported I'm not particularly confident that the install script will even run successfully at the moment, though all of the packages are in place. But it is in testing now, and it usually only takes a few hours to straighten out any issues that come up.

I'm also taking this opportunity to also fix a number of Debian/Ubuntu issues (saslauthd is kinda broken by default on Debian and needs some files moved around, Dovecot is quirky on Ubuntu because it is an early 1.0 release candidate and has an odd configuration file syntax that's not quite .99 style and not quite 1.0 style so Webmin gets confused, Apache doesn't get all of the modules we need enabled by default).


Check out the forum guidelines!

Fri, 12/15/2006 - 21:58 (Reply to #3)

Hey Joe,

Thanks for this. Can you give any guarantee as to when I would be safe to start development with the Ubuntu version?
I've currently got developers twiddling their thumbs till they can get their hands on a working/stable version. We're changing Dev distro, to Ubuntu Edgy, and as such will also need a new script to download.

Would it be safe to start development/customisation now with Ubuntu version, in view of going live with stable release?

Is there an announce list you can subscribe me to for you releasing this?

Time is of the essence! (Been burning the midnight lamp to get the server setup with VirtualMin, inc. customisations, by Xmas).

Thanks for all your great work!


Fri, 12/15/2006 - 23:18 (Reply to #4)
Joe's picture

Hey Morgan,

You can sign up for notifications in the News forums--you'll get an email any time there is a new post. It's not strictly reserved for Virtualmin news, but it tends to be focused on releases (and we've banned anyone who's ever spammed the forums in any way).

I always post a new thread for any news item, so you definitely won't miss anything if you're getting those notifications.

As for development: Define development? Almost everything on any platform that we develop is identical on every single platform. The code for Virtualmin's virtual-server module for example is identical across all supported platforms and the vast majority of platform dependent stuff is abstracted up to the Webmin layer (which is often abstracted out to the per-OS config files). It just depends on what you're working on. Things are gonna look exactly the same on x86_64 Ubuntu as on i386 Ubuntu...if it's compiled code, you'll have to rebuild it.

Oh, yeah, Edgy isn't tested yet, but I believe it is working with the current install.sh and dapper repository--though I'm not sure the apache2 package is new enough in our repo.


Check out the forum guidelines!

Tue, 12/19/2006 - 00:47 (Reply to #5)

Ah - but what of x86_64/amd64 updates!?
These seem to STILL not available.
Re: Development I meant there are NO SCRIPTS i can use on my amd64 VPS server.

I need these for development to continue, and it's starting to look like an oversight planning on using Virtualmin Pro for this.


Tue, 12/19/2006 - 09:51 (Reply to #6)

To update you as to where i'm up to - i'm on a VPS and will stick with Debian Sarge for simplicities sake - the following has been confirmed by SysAdmin:
"Your VPS is now running a clean install of Debian Sarge on a Intel Pentium D which uses 'amd64' type of arch. This is only the name for debian package, the real name is x86_64".

So, a gentle reminder - how are x86_64 packages going?

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