Submitted by taiko on Wed, 07/29/2020 - 03:59 Pro Licensee
Many of our hosting have a server administrator disk space used way too high and we cannot lower it. I have deleted all logs of one of the hosting and it went down a little bit. So it is not the logs and I don't know how to find the files or identify them
Try going to Administration Options/Disk Usage to find out how disk space is being used. Additionally, check Webmin/Disk Quotas, choose needed partition and the page called Filesystem Quotas will display you the amount of used space by each user.
You can set defaults on System Settings/Account Plan page.
Submitted by taiko on Wed, 07/29/2020 - 09:24 Pro Licensee Comment #2
So I checked both places for one hosting
In Administration Options/Disk Usage it says 2% of 5 Ginb
But in Webmin/Disk Quotas it says 3.42 Gib of 5 Gib,so something is wrong
But it happens in all our hostings
Submitted by taiko on Wed, 07/29/2020 - 09:25 Pro Licensee Comment #3
I uploaded screenshots of
Webmin/Disk Quotas Administration Options/Disk Usage