Server Administrator Quota in hosting is way too much

Many of our hosting have a server administrator disk space used way too high and we cannot lower it. I have deleted all logs of one of the hosting and it went down a little bit. So it is not the logs and I don't know how to find the files or identify them




Ilia's picture
Submitted by Ilia on Wed, 07/29/2020 - 04:46


So it is not the logs and I don't know how to find the files or identify them

Try going to Administration Options/Disk Usage to find out how disk space is being used. Additionally, check Webmin/Disk Quotas, choose needed partition and the page called Filesystem Quotas will display you the amount of used space by each user.

Server Administrator Quota in hosting is way too much

You can set defaults on System Settings/Account Plan page.

So I checked both places for one hosting

In Administration Options/Disk Usage it says 2% of 5 Ginb

But in Webmin/Disk Quotas it says 3.42 Gib of 5 Gib,so something is wrong

But it happens in all our hostings

I uploaded screenshots of

Webmin/Disk Quotas Administration Options/Disk Usage