Submitted by Lucian on Thu, 03/26/2020 - 06:38
I am trying to create a domain with unlimited quota, however no matter how I call it, virtualmin will complain:
“No quota specified” or “Missing or invalid total quota”…
I have tried the following so far, without success:
quota=UNLIMITED&uquota=UNLIMITED quota=-1&uquota=-1 quota=0&uquota=0
quota=UNLIMITED does indeed work when I use create-user, but not for create-server..
Thanks Lucian
Do you have system quotas enabled? Do you have quotas enabled in Virtualmin Configuration?
What exactly is this that what you tried? Can you provide step-by-step screenshots to get clearer picture of what not working, as it works fine for me.
Submitted by Lucian on Thu, 03/26/2020 - 17:40 Comment #2
Mine is a scripted installation, so did not go through the "web wizard", but I thought quotas would be on by default:
sh -f -n test1.domain.tld
Here is the command I use and the result:
root@test1:~# curl -k -q -u "root:pass" '"desc"&unix&mail&dir&&dns&spam&virus&multiline="a=UNLIMITED&uquota=UNLIMITED'
No quota specified
Adds a new Virtualmin virtual server, with the settings and features
specified on the command line.
virtualmin create-domain --domain
--pass "password-for-new-domain" |
--passfile password-file
[--parent | --alias |
--alias-with-mail |
[--desc description-for-domain]
[--email contact-email]
[--user new-unix-user]
[--group new-unix-group]
[--default-features] | [--features-from-plan]
[--allocate-ip | --ip virtual.ip.address |
--shared-ip existing.ip.address]
[--default-ip6 |
--shared-ip6 existing.ip.address |
--allocate-ip6 |
--ip6 virtual.ip.address]
[--dns-ip address | --no-dns-ip]
[--max-doms domains|*]
[--max-aliasdoms domains]
[--max-realdoms domains]
[--max-mailboxes boxes]
[--max-dbs databases]
[--max-aliases aliases]
[--quota quota-for-domain|UNLIMITED]
[--uquota quota-for-unix-user|UNLIMITED]
[--template "name"]
[--plan "name"]
[--suffix username-prefix]
[--db database-name]
[--fwdto email-address]
[--reseller name]
[--mysql-pass password]
[--field-name value]*
[--enable-jail | --disable-jail]
[--mysql-server hostname]
Exit status: 256
Have you tried using Virtualmin CLI on the server directly?
Have you tried not using quotes in
param?If you minimize the query string, does it work in basic defaults?
Submitted by Lucian on Fri, 03/27/2020 - 07:00 Comment #4
I've tried to remove all non-essential ones, leaving just domain name, user, password and quota and uquota of course: no luck.
Do you exclude connection error?
If command run locally on the server, does it work?
Submitted by Lucian on Fri, 03/27/2020 - 07:40 Comment #6
Yes, indeed, all queries are done with curl to, the connection is not the issue, virtualmin clearly complains: "No quota specified"
In fact, if I use "quota=10000&uquota=10000" everything is fine. I just want to have unlimited quota.
This is really odd that's it not working for you. What Virtualmin version do you have installed?
Have you tired setting it to "0"? This is what UNLIMITED really does. Does it work then for you?
Submitted by Lucian on Fri, 03/27/2020 - 12:05 Comment #8
I tried with 0, -1 and UNLIMITED, same error. It does work if I specify a valid number like 10000 or smth.
I am probably making some mistake somewhere. I'll dig some more and let you know if I ever find the problem.
Can you please tell, which Virtualmin version was that and if 0 works instead of UNLIMITED?
Submitted by Lucian on Fri, 03/27/2020 - 14:21 Comment #10
I am not at the PC but I can tell you it's the latest version of everything, install by yesterday.
With 0 I got the same error.
Submitted by Lucian on Fri, 03/27/2020 - 19:01 Comment #11
Ok, back to a PC, tried various things but still no luck. Here is what I am doing (Debian 10):
sh -f -n
virtualmin-config-system -exclude MySQL AWStats ProFTPd Usermin PostgreSQL Webalizer --include Dovecot Fail2ban Apache Mailman Procmail Postfix SpamAssassin ClamAV NTP SASL Webmin Quotas
for i in ftp webmin virtualmin-awstats virtualmin-dav; do virtualmin set-global-feature --disable-feature $i; done
sed -i s/"hashpass=0"/""/g /etc/webmin/virtual-server/config
echo "hashpass=1" >> /etc/webmin/virtual-server/config
sed -i '/quota=/d' /etc/webmin/virtual-server/plans/0
echo quota= >> /etc/webmin/virtual-server/plans/0
echo uquota= >> /etc/webmin/virtual-server/plans/0
Then I try to add a domain with unlimited quota, and this fails....
curl -k -q -u "root:pass" '"a=0&uquota=0&web&ssl&user=test3&pass=somepass&desc=descriere&unix&mail&dir&dns&spam&virus'
No quota specified
Exit: 256
Why are you doing this in relation to virtualmin-config-system command and adding values manually to config files? Let install script to do it all for you the right way! I wouldn't recommend steps you're talking. It's easy to break anything and it takes way more time to find out what's wrong.
Have you run Post-Install Wizard script and config check after installation?
Submitted by Lucian on Sat, 03/28/2020 - 08:01 Comment #13
The project I am working on needs fully automated installations, no interacting with the UI I'm afraid. #devops baby ... :-)
You don't need to use config-system after installing with script, as it does it for you.
Note: There is a
key in config, that is expected to be set to 1 after successful post-install setup.Submitted by JamieCameron on Sat, 03/28/2020 - 16:05 Comment #15
I had a look at the
API, and it indeed doesn't support unlimited quotas properly. This will be fixed in the next release..Submitted by Lucian on Sat, 03/28/2020 - 17:44 Comment #16
Awesome, Jamie! Thanks
Lucian, you are welcome to patch your file locally, restart Webmin and give it a try now.
Does it solve your issue?
Thanks, Jamie! I checked that code too, and noticed it was setting the value to 0 for unlimited quotas but didn't manage to look further, as it worked perfectly fine for me on the UI.
Submitted by Lucian on Mon, 03/30/2020 - 17:41 Comment #18
The patch seems to be working, thanks guys!
Ilia thanks for the tip with wizard_run=1.