WHCMS Script will not work. Error trying to Install package


I am trying to setup WHMCS, installing the program with ehe scripts that Virtualmin provides everyone.

I have setup the virtual server, it points to apaches default page, but now I would like to host WHMCS on the server.

When I download the scrip it gets stuck at this, nothing displays on my website but apaches default page. I have tried checking /whmcs/install from the URL, but its no where to be found on the website pages

Now installing WHMCS version 6.3.2 .. Failed to fetch system check page : HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found More information on using this script can be found at http://www.whmcs.com/members/aff.php?aff=4115.

I have also tried uploading the flies from file manager and extracting them to my servers public_html folder, still nothing loads!

Please help, spent all day stuck on this issue..



Howdy -- sorry that you're having trouble with the WHMCS script!

You said you're seeing the the default Apache page -- what if you run these commands:

a2dissite 000-default
service apache2 restart

After running that, are you able to see your WHMCS site?