bind won't start

I placed my server in a datacenter. All was working fine.
Then a customer wanted the nameservers and i tried to set that up on my box. I have 4 IP's.

My ISP added rDNS for the IP to the machine eth0.
I made 2 virtual interfaces with 2 IP's on eth0:1 and eth0:2
I have made a reverse address zone

the machine is named as a domain I have registered and at the registrar I have changed the A records, mx records, chnames, and added a ptr as well. (it wont allow me to change the nameservers at the registrar though)

Now the nameserver won't start any more

zone has no NS records _default/ bad zone [FAILED]

I have searched forums, documentation, wiki, google etc etc but it seems I only go from bad to worse till now I don't know what to do anymore. I am a non-experienced user :(

Can you please help me?

thank you

Closed (fixed)