ubuntu install failing when the serial numbers are incorrect

just performed a fresh install of ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS, and found that the vm install script was failing at the installation of "postfix postfix-pcre webmin usermin ruby libapache2-mod-ruby libxml-simple-perl libcrypt-ssleay-perl", complaining that 'the package "webmin" is not available but referred to by another package.'. It appears that I was over eager when pasting the url from the site into my console for wgetting, and didn't quote it. This resulted in just the first number appearing in the url correctly with the key separated into a command of it's own via the ; character in the url being read as BASH's end of statement char. It would be nice if rather than just failing out at the accessing of the repo phase, when the keycodes are incorrect, and reporting the error in a userfriendly mannar. Perhaps a separate HTTP lookup that includes the serial and key and receives a simple "ok" or "bad" response so that the installer knows ahead of time whether the supplied credentials are going to work or not.

Closed (fixed)