It is very useful to have -reset dns template AND -reset virtualhost template feature in virtualmin.
For example we make a change to dns template / server template ( httpd template ) of virtualmin, then we apply this on all ( or some ) virtual servers but reset their dns template / httpd virtualhost template from a server template .
Submitted by JamieCameron on Wed, 11/10/2010 - 17:44 Comment #1
You could effectively perform this reset now by turning off the DNS feature for all the domains, then turning it back on again ..
I have checked this before, It not works. We should disable dns,webserver,webalizer,awstats and then re-enable them , the awstats and webalizer reports will be deleted
Submitted by JamieCameron on Thu, 11/11/2010 - 01:00 Comment #3
Why can't you just disable and then re-enable DNS only?
It says :
Failed to save enabled features : The feature BIND DNS domain cannot be disabled, as it is used by the following virtual servers : domain1.org domain2.net domain3.com domain4.com domain5.net ...
I try to disable DNS feature on all domains, the disable it in feature and plugins of virtualmin and enable it on feature and plugins + virtualhosts. Virtualmin does not apply new changes and the dns records touch unchanged.Submitted by JamieCameron on Thu, 11/11/2010 - 01:19 Comment #5
Why can't you just disable and then re-enable DNS only?
OK ! I am not a newbie user and I am working with linux since many years ! You mean : System Settings -> Features and Plugins -> Disable and enable " BIND DNS domain"
OK This error occurs :
Failed to save enabled features : The feature BIND DNS domain cannot be disabled, as it is used by the following virtual servers : domain1.org domain2.net domain3.com domain4.com domain5.net ...
I fixed the above error by turning of DNS on all virtualservers but still the dns template is not updated for domains.
Submitted by Locutus on Thu, 11/11/2010 - 04:03 Comment #7
Basically, what Jamie suggested should work, I just tested it myself. Yeah, he meant turning the feature for the individual virtual servers in question off and on again, not the plugin itself (which, as you noticed, does not work as long as a server still uses it). Doing that will create new zone files for the domains, and also new entries in the main BIND config.
What exactly did you change about the BIND DNS profile? Can you double-check that you changed the right template? How did you disable and re-enable BIND for the virtual servers?
I change this : System Settings -> Virtualmin Configuration -> Network Settings
Change : "Default virtual server IP address" to *
Then create a virtual server, reverse the above settings and try to reset the dns template !
Changes in :"System Settings -> Virtualmin Configuration -> Network Settings" does not apply for me.
Submitted by Locutus on Thu, 11/11/2010 - 10:54 Comment #9
As far as I understand the documentation, that setting just the default value for what newly created virtual servers get as their Network interface IP address. (Aside from that, it does influence the IP addresses added to DNS zones.)
Changing the default will not change that setting for existing virtual servers, only for new ones. Thus, re-creating the DNS zone in an existing server after changing that setting will have no effect.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Thu, 11/11/2010 - 17:21 Comment #10
Why would you want to set the IP to